New Piece Alert: Autumnal Equinox

My husband and I just celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary in October. We have a tradition where we go away over Columbus Day weekend as it’s a long weekend (he’s a teacher and can’t always take time off), and as we weren’t sure what the world would be like, we decided to stay close to home and visit Ithaca, NY. While I was a little bummed we couldn’t do something bigger (we like to do bigger trips every 5 years), it ended up being an amazing weekend. We visited one of our favorite college students, ate so much delicious food, and visited a few waterfalls. The leaves were starting to change colors, so it was STUNNING.

One of the falls we visited had a huge, long, difficult trail that I especially was not prepped for. I almost quit multiple times going up, but with some encouragement from my husband and other hikers along the route, I did it! On the way back down, there was a spot along the path where the light on the newly colored leaves felt magical, and it inspired this piece…

Title: Autumnal Equinox

Continue reading “New Piece Alert: Autumnal Equinox”

Drawing a Day Challenge: Day #23

I had a real hard time concentrating on this drawing.

We’re planning on putting our house on the market within the next year, and I got bit by the decluttering bug. The more I think about moving, the less I want to pack everything up! It’s amazing how much things we’ve accumulated, and even though I’ve gone through our home many many times, I want to get rid of EVERYTHING.

I tried to go to my office and ignore everything, but just knowing that the cluttered unfinished basement was on the other side of my office wall was still so distracting. I ended up organizing my studio, and that was enough for me to be able to draw in peace…

20170330_131423 - Edited

Title: The River

Medium: Graphite pencil on acid free paper

Size: 5×7

Continue reading “Drawing a Day Challenge: Day #23”